If you or someone you know is experiencing a Mental Health Crisis in Hamilton, please call COAST.
This crisis line is answered 24-7.

A crisis is when a person feels they can’t cope anymore. A person might feel out of control, or might be having thoughts of harming someone else or themselves. Sometimes a person in crisis has thoughts of ending their life. If this is you or someone you know, take it seriously and reach out for help.
If anyone is at IMMEDIATE risk of serious harm, CALL 911 instead. This includes medical distress or injuries, violence/use of weapons, or any immediate threat to someone’s physical safety.
Our goal is to answer every call. However, there are times when all available workers are already speaking to people, and a call will go to our voicemail. If this happens, please leave a message with a call back number, or try again after 10 minutes. Other crisis lines to try:
905-529-7878 Barrett Centre 24-hour Crisis Line
1-800-668-6868 Kids Help Phone (or text HOME to 686868)
1-866-925-5454 Good2Talk helpline for college/university students
COAST (Crisis Outreach and Support Team) is a partnership between St. Joseph’s Healthcare Hamilton, Hamilton Police Services, and Halton Regional Police Services.